Conspiracy of Care

Designed for input on individual and group efforts to improve the education of Black Males in America. Sponsored by the Delores Walker Johnson Center for Leadership of Atlas Communities.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Here are some comments from participants at Margaret Beals Spencer's full day program on November 16.

They are in response to:
What is worth making a commitment to apply in your practice related to the education of black male youth?

"It would be worth making a commitment to redefine my own definition of the word "caring."

"Support my staff in being honest with themselves.
Paying attention to the whole child and their vulnerability, and putting mechanisms into place to address those needs."

"I believe very much in the idea of care as shown through a commitment to challenging kids but providing appropriate support. That belief was underscored by the presentation today.
It's also worth examining, deeply, the support structures for relative risk faced by each student in my charge."

"Always seek to deepen my understanding of the context of student lives and avoid misperceiving their behavior and attitudes."